B & M Take Chicago

A city full of adventure. A space dedicated to capturing it all. A place to relive their journey. A weekend to enjoy. A lifetime of memories. The story of two couples taking on Chicago.

The Plan

The highly anticipated B & M Chicago trip has one goal in mind, see as much of the city as possible during out three days in the city. From Wrigley Field to Al Capones grave, you can be ceartin that no rock will go unturned.

The Sites

The first stop on our list is Wrigley Field to see the Cubs vs. Orioles, after that the possibilities are endless. With the "Bean", Sky Deck, and Magnificent Mile all must see's, there is no telling what we will come across.

The Food

During our stay in the Windy City dieting will be a thing of the past. Dog's, Slices, and Hot Beef will provide as substanence along our venture.

The Pics

Thanks to Intagme our stay will be easily captured and stored as we go, all we have to do is remember to take the photos.